Calgary Kindergarten


Calgary Kindergarten Program

At our Kindergarten program, we provide children with a learning environment that acknowledges their individuality and curiosities, and a curriculum for them to thrive in. The Reggio Emilia Approach to learning offers a more efficient learning process, as children are motivated by topics that are of interest to them. Our Kindergarten program’s curriculum is developed through small group projects, which children give significant direction to. Teachers act as guides and facilitators, accompanying the children in the learning process. Areas of study include science, art, language, music, drama, math, social studies, and language arts. As with our preschool program, all children have one-on- one educational time with a teacher at least 30 minutes per week.

Seedlings Kinder Curriculum Overview

Seedlings Kinder program is based on the CBE (Calgary Board of Education) kindergarten curriculum. However, if a child has already mastered the elements in these curricula and is interested in further learning, Seedlings will provide support and further instruction as developmentally appropriate.

Kinder students follows the Seedlings Language Arts -Spanish Curriculum accordingly to the kids Spanish proficiency level in their listening and speaking skills. Children are introduced to writing as well.

Seedlings develops the preschool and kinder curriculum through projects based on the children’s interests.

Areas of study of the projects include:

  • language
  • math
  • social studies
  • science
  • physical education
  • health and fine arts (music, art and drama)
Specific learned expectations related to the areas of study in the Kinder program are:
  • early literacy
  • early numeracy
  • creative expression
  • physical skills and well being
  • personal and social
  • environment and community awareness
  • citizenship and identity
Why do we develop our curriculum through projects based on the children’s interests?
Seedlings educational project follows the concepts of the Reggio Emilia Approach to education.

The Reggio approach to education takes into account each individual child, and acknowledges children are extremely curious, love to learn about their world, and are capable of coming up with important ideas and solutions to real-world problems.

We know that the learning process of a child is far more efficient when they are working on themes that are of interest to them, and as such themselves provide motivation for learning.

It is important for children to work in small groups that support the development of social skills. For example, working in small, guided, and supervised groups allows children to learn to listen and value the ideas and opinions of others, and to share and compromise, while maintaining respect for others and for themselves.

We consider that the adult who accompanies children on their path of learning should fulfill the role of guide and facilitator and should value the children’s ideas and thought processes. This adult should also be able to see and appreciate each child’s curiosity, interest in learning about their surroundings, ability to think logically, and incredible ability to learn.

For these reasons, Seedlings develops our curriculum through group projects in which it is children who give direction to the project, with teachers acting as facilitators.


Calgary Kindergarten Programs for Every Child

Our kinder kids program takes the regular Calgary kindergarten curriculum, and adds some first-grade curriculum and special classes to take their learning even further. Kinder students will also participate in pre-school class group activities such as free play, movement, and story time. Guided group activities are very important for students as they help develop social skills such as listening, sharing, and respect.

Benefits of Our Calgary Kindergarten

Low Student - Teacher Ratio

We give each student the personalized 
time, support and attention 
they need to reach their potential.

Reggio - Emilia Program

This tremendously motivational approach to learning reflects children’s interests through a dynamic and interactive curriculum.


   A personalized approach to education gives students an atmosphere of support, and growth to achieve their maximum academic potential.

Spanish Immersion

Full immersion is the most effective way

for students to achieve exceptional

speaking and literacy skills.

Well Balanced Education

Exposure to a wide variety of subject areas

allows students to develop a diverse set of skills

that they will use for the rest of their lives. 

Qualified & Friendly Teachers

To ensure a proper education in all subjects, all our teachers are highly educated with Bachelor degrees, and are native Spanish speakers.



Full day Spanish Preschool & Daycare
Full day Bilingual Preschool & Daycare
Spanish Kindergarten
Bilingual Kindergarten


Full day Spanish Preschool & Daycare
Full day Bilingual Preschool & Daycare
Spanish Kindergarten
Bilingual Kindergarten


Full day Spanish Preschool & Daycare
Full day Bilingual Preschool & Daycare
Spanish Kindergarten
Bilingual Kindergarten

Coming soon.


Full day 

Preschool - Kinder - Daycare


Full day Spanish Daycare
Full day Spanish Preschool
Half day Spanish preschool for both AM and PM
Spanish Kindergarten
Spanish before and after school - kinder students


Full day Spanish Preschool
Full day Spanish Daycare
Spanish Kindergarten
Spanish before and after school care - kinder students

Register Today

Our Calgary kindergarten program is designed to help your child explore new interests and grow as an individual. To learn more about signing your child up for our kinder kids program be sure to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and watching your little one achieve new and exciting goals!